Our Partner HQVillage enhances the value of small Italian villages and protect their authenticity, promoting them as poles of sharing, innovation and tradition, through a network of private property owners and a wide range of services.
We anticipate the future of corporate headquarters: sustainable, resilient and adapted to the new needs of smart workers and digital nomads.
The villages of HQVillage
Unique places to live and work, rediscovering the beauty and uniqueness of belonging to a village.
To revolutionize the idea of ​​Headquarters, from a fixed location, a widespread, sustainable reality, suited to the new needs of the Smartworker and his well-being. Creating trust-based relationships with employees has become a prerequisite for companies. Smart Working may be the best solution to achieve this goal.
Be inspired by the charm of one of our villages. Meet other Digital Nomads and become an integral part of a community, rich in stories and experiences that are far from the beaten track. Choose the village that suits you best and become a protagonist in the authentic life of the place, its traditions and its history.

To create a new opportunity to turn your property assets into income and maintain their value over time, in a safe and reliable way. Make the experience of those who decide to stay in your property unique and authentic. Invest in your property, increasing its value and functionality for your guests.