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YouAgile: your own virtual office

YouAgile is the new business marketplace platform, both desktop and mobile friendly, that aims to position itself in the market as the only place where entrepreneurs, professionals, companies and startuppers can create and continue business relationships in a secure, transparent and sustainable way.

The YouAgile platform is integrated by its nature. It has been developed and implemented according to user requirements, to be available at all times and to allow direct connection and contact between users from and to anywhere in the world.

The demands of the global market nowadays require great timeliness and attention to continuous updates as well as the ability to adapt to the evolutions of the same market, which is why it is important to be agile!

Logging into YouAgile means having a tailor-made office, wherever you are, to manage and complete all phases of the contact, purchase, sale and supply processes of services and/or products. The platform thus becomes a single resource within which you can manage, expand and modify your business volume by getting in touch with the best available opportunities or by publishing your offers from the comfort of your PC or smartphone.

YouAgile, therefore, aims to be the answer to the need to simplify and improve smart working, with a new way of doing marketplace, incentivising the home office and simplifying activities and lead generation costs for professionals and businesses. The easy-to-use marketplace that gets straight to the point: doing business. How?

Every user will be provided with a tailor-made office with the tools needed to safely complete the decision-making processes of research, purchase, provision and payment for the products and services supplied and/or purchased. The office - as well as the platform - is accessible from PCs, smartphones and tablets and allows users to consult, publish offers and conclude deals comfortably and wherever they are. The tools within the virtual office include a work room, meeting room, and the possibility of exchanging documents and detailed information with business partners while remaining within the platform. All this makes it easy to work wherever you are, i.e. in an agile way.

YouAgile aims to position itself as the smart marketplace of reference for an entire digital and agile economic eco-system. Here, companies, professionals, entrepreneurs and startuppers will be the protagonists of a new way of doing business. In a simple and secure way, the focus will be exclusively on matching supply and demand.

The aim of YouAgile is to facilitate these connections within an environment where competence, skill and the quality of the products or services offered are ranked in first place, so that the volume of business is characteristic of and exclusively the result of a virtuous circle of the economy.

For this reason, YouAgile is a concrete and innovative proposal, which aims to offer a space - accessible anywhere and at any time with just a click - shared between the various market players in order to facilitate their meeting and a mutual exchange of value and profit.



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