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Stay connected to your business with YouAgile

YouAgile is the innovative platform, available on desktop and mobile friendly, that aims to bring together entrepreneurs, professionals, companies and startuppers in one place to create business-oriented relationships in a safe, transparent and sustainable way.

From the first contact, starting from the search for products or services, to the payment transaction, YouAgile aims to offer its users an accessible space where moving towards their business becomes easier, in a word: agile.

The configuration of the platform allows you to access your own virtual office to share and consult offers of products and services at any time and anywhere in the world.

This is how we thought about recovery for the global market: agile, simple and transparent, straight to the point.

YouAgile is the answer to building business paths in the post covid era, but it is also an innovative and powerful approach to making Market; selling and buying safely in an international and interactive way, thanks to the multidisciplinary resources - digital and physical - that are needed today to stay on the market, at all levels.

YouAgile was created to facilitate the remote matching of supply and demand, avoiding high management costs for businesses and professionals, thus encouraging smart working and home office to further reduce the environmental impact of the global economic system.

With YouAgile, it will be extremely easy to manage the buying and selling of physical products directly from businesses or services provided by skilled and qualified professionals from a wide range of sectors. Our goal with YouAgile is to facilitate this continuous exchange that feeds the ecosystem of the global marketplace: to identify and accurately select your business partners and to operate each stage of the negotiation with security, transparency and legality.

The needs of the global market today require great timeliness and attention to continuous updates and the ability to adapt to the evolutions of the same market, which is why it is important to be agile!

Joining YouAgile means having a 'tailor-made' office, wherever you are, to manage and complete all stages of the processes of buying, selling and delivering services and/or products. In this way, the platform becomes a single resource within which you can manage, expand and modify your business volume by getting in touch with the best opportunities available.

The YouAgile marketplace was created for any type of business, entrepreneur or company, and for this reason it is characterised by a methodical analysis of skills and qualifications offered or sought on the platform. We believe that the best way to always have the right opportunity for your business is to find the most qualified partner for what we are looking for, whether it is the right buyer for our product/service or a professional who is at the service of our company.

The main goal of YouAgile is to facilitate these connections within an environment where competence, skill and the quality of the products or services on offer are put first, so that the volume of business is characteristic of and exclusively the result of a virtuous economic circle. For this reason, YouAgile is a concrete and innovative proposal, which aims to offer a space - accessible anywhere and at any time with just a click - shared between the various market players to facilitate the meeting and a mutual exchange of value and profit.

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